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The alfredschwarzschild.com website has been going for nearly a year now. My father's artistic career spanned two world wars so unfortunately a great deal of his work was lost. The aim of the website was to create a record of as many known paintings as possible and try to unearth others that are lost. On it's first anniversary it seems a good time to write a brief summary of our progress and say thank you!


Since launching the website we have had numerous contributions from the descendants of Alfred’s brothers and sister. They have sent coloured photos of all available paintings and numerous cards and sketches. We have been lucky enough to get to know cousins and family members with whom we had totally lost contact.


Excitingly, we have also had photos of his work sent to us by complete strangers whom we now think of as very special friends. Without all this and the enthusiastic help of my son Phillip none of it would have been possible.


We have created a Facebook page that has been viewed thousands of times and shared around the World.  Despite a lot of the subject matter in the paintings being obsolete by modern standards, the excellence of their execution is never in any doubt and it is so good to see the positive comments that come from far and wide.


As always we keep hoping that more will turn up, some may be hiding in attics or hidden away in galleries. A lot of the beautiful portraits will be Great Grand Parents of their present day owners. We have many old black and white photos of these and are hoping that at least some of the original paintings  have survived the years. There may be examples of his work in old books. Just photos and any information would be gratefully received.


So, many thanks to all those who have helped us so far - you have my wholehearted gratitude. Looking forward I would especially welcome anything you can do to help spread the word such as liking and sharing the Facebook page.


Very best wishes from Theo (Alfred’s youngest daughter)